Saturday, June 20, 2009

I have that book!!

Last week I was in a decision making class. During one of the breaks, we started talking about marriage. Someone told me to get the "5 Love Languages" book. Without thinking, I exclaimed "I have that book but have not read it!". Everone laughed .

Well tonight I was thinking about how I need to buckle down and read more & just looked at all the books I have unread (or unfinished) on my book shelf

Numerous bible studies from Kay Arthur & Spirit Filled Life (polar opposites I know)

The next shelf up has bibles, marriage books, self help, etc

And more bibles, Matthew Henry commentaries, & a Strongs Concordance that let's me look up the bible words in the Greek or Hebrew language. I asked my dad for the concordance on my 16th bday because I was going to be a pastor :). He inscribed it:

"To Stephan on your 16th birthday. May God always be with you & guide your path thru this life, Love Dad". Pretty awesome of him to write in it. That alone makes it worth keeping!

And now I can say I started reading the books on my bookshelf!

Post From My iPhone

Friday, June 19, 2009

Scotland Bike Ride

Went on a little bike ride - so much nicer riding in Scotland than Oklahoma! However, the bike I rode was a little scary - it was a reject that was nit used for the bike project.

Here are some pics:

Post From My iPhone