Saturday, March 29, 2008

What Have I Become?

Last night on my way to Wal-Mart to buy my son some $50 Wii game, I stopped to return a video at McDonalds (now that is weird). When I was finished a lady walked up to me and asked if she could have $12 to get her and her family home. Her husband and two little kids were with her. With little hesitation I said "no." I then got in the van and was put out that the lady asked for money. I mean a taxi cab fare. Come on get more original than that. Anyway I drove on to the Wal-Mart parking lot.

Later that night I decided to do devotions during some games. I read in Acts. How the disciples could not help but share the gospel, how they ministered with boldness. How they saw a lame man begging for money and then gave him what he really needed. I thought about this family. I prayed for them and then asked Christ to change my heart. Not one where I foolishly give money but maybe I could have offered to call the cab and pay for it, a meal, or some compassion. Imagine if I was spirit-led and spoke to their root problem or plugged them in with a local church that would help them get on their feet. My heart is still heavy for those two young kids and their parents. I hope some Christian helped them.

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