Friday, May 30, 2008


I've been doing a lot of second guessing lately. Wondering if I have made right decisions. Seeking counsel and finding nothing settles this restless mind of mine.

Then I get this e-mail from our youth pastor:

Want to encourage you to stay true to your time with the Lord. Without a renewed mind, (Romans 12:2), then we may take up things we are not suppose to take up or lay down things we should not.

Our life is not about "our" life but God's Kingdom and His purposes. Praying for you all daily.

I appreciate and love you much!

Sometimes we need to listen to whispers. Funny how God can talk to us in a simple e-mail to youth volunteers. I realize I have been pretty self centered and that always seems to frustrate me and my household. And the friends who keep seeing me wandering around aimlessly.

1 comment:

  1. you are anything but self centered. you have been a wonderful friend to Rob and I and we both love you to pieces. Thanks for being you.
