Well then I see this little guy on Craig's List.
Rocko needs a new home!!!
Rocko is a seven month old pup!!!He weighs about twenty five pounds and thats as big as he will get!!i just had a baby, and im unable to show him the attention he is wanting...he is house trained, kennel trained and good with kids, dogs and cats..He would like to have a fenced in yard and maybe another dog to play with but not a must...there will be a very small re-homing fee to insure he goes to a loving home !!e-mail me if interested and i will send more pics then!!!
Well I sent an e-mail and I am assured he won't get bigger - a mini Shepherd see!!! He is the best dog ever but yet someone is giving him away. Hmmm. He even said there are many people wanting to look at him - yet DAYS LATER he is still available. IT'S A SIGN. The auditor in me is skeptical but the ADD dude is saying please let me get him. I will love him, walk him, neuter him, and then a day or two later fill up his water bowl, scoop poop, and wonder why I ever got him. So should I? Immediate gratification or do I use wisdom?
Oh faithful readers - okay reader - help a brother out. Wait before you give me advise don't forget the spiritual aspect of having this dog. Yes, there is a spiritual benefit. I will be having middle school kids at my house twice a month for discipleship. And I may be boring, but they will love this dog. Right!?! Then they will come and draw closer to God. Plus by the time Spring rolls around I could give him away as a prize for best attender. Or Winter. Depends how long he peaks my interest.
Have you seen the SNL, Mile Myers skit where he is chained to the monkey bars - that is me and Judy is trying her best to restrain me. She has caved to at least looking at him tonight! Oh yeah. She is even saying we would have to name him Wolfie if we do. C'mon, make daddy happy.
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